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Addressing the tenacious biofilm

The JWC International Consensus Document: Defying hard-to-heal wounds with an early antibiofilm strategy: wound hygiene

Despite advances in dressing technology and best practice, wound care is in crisis: the number of hard-to-heal wounds is increasing and the implications for the healthcare system, including greater antibiotic usage, are challenging (Figure 1).1-13 To improve the management of hard-to-heal wounds, it is necessary to address the tenacious biofilm that is present in most of them.14

Biofilm management involves regular debridement followed by antibiofilm re-formation strategies, including the use of topical  antimicrobial dressings.14 The JWC International Consensus Document: Defying hard-to-heal wounds with an early antibiofilm strategy: wound hygiene suggests there is a need to go further by implementing a new strategy, called wound hygiene, which involves two additional stages: cleansing the wound and periwound skin, and refashioning the wound edge. Wound hygiene is a structured method for overcoming the barriers to healing associated with biofilm.

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  1. Dr Rosana Pacella , Issue Paper: “Chronic Wounds in Australia, July’ (2017), Australian Centre for Health Services Innovation (AusHSI), Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation, School of Public Health & Social Work, Queensland University of Technology
  2. Attinger, Christopher and Randy Wolcott. “Clinically Addressing Biofilm In Chronic Wounds”. Advances in Wound Care 1.3 (2012): 127-132. Web.
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  13. Bellingeri, A. et al.”Effect Of A Wound Cleansing Solution On Wound Bed Preparation And Inflammation In Chronic Wounds: A Single-Blind RTC”. Journal of Wound Care 25.3 (2016): 160-168. Web.
  14. Moore, M 0.1% Polyhexanide-Betaine Solution as an Adjuvant in a Case-Series of Chronic Wounds, Surg Technology International, 2016
  15. Andriessen, AE and T Eberlein.”Assessment of A Wound Cleansing Solution in the Treatment of Problem Wounds”. Wounds 20.6 (2008): 171-175. Wed 23 Sept 2016.
  16. Moller A, Kaehn K, Nolte A. Experiences with the use of polyhexanide-containing wound products in the management of chronic wounds — results of a methodical and retrospective analysis of 953 patients. Wund Management, 2008; 3: 112-117