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OrthoPilot® Elite

TKR – Total Knee Revision

Surgeon with the OrthPilot® Elite Multitool

TKR 3.0 – The new revision navigation software​

3 different Man-Machine-Interfaces

Everything a surgeon desires: 3 possibilites of software interaction to fully adapt the system to the individual surgeons‘ preferences. Take over control by either using the brand-new Multitool, gesture recognition or the wireless footswitch.

Screenshot of the OrthoPilot® TKR software – Planning
Screenshot of the OrthoPilot® TKR software – Joint line references
Screenshot of the OrthoPilot® TKR software – Record tibia diaphysis
Screenshot of the OrthoPilot® TKR software – Femoral cut planning and augmentation planning
OrthoPilot® TKA Multitool

[1] Khan M, Osman K, Green G, Haddad FS. The epidemiology of failure in total knee arthroplasty. Bone Joint J. 2016;98-B(1_Supple_A):105-112. doi:10.1302/0301-620X.98B1.36293

[2] Data on file.